Working With Dante AoIP

Streaming & Broadcast Radio Player

Using Dante AoIP enabled devices from a range of manufacturers allows us to design and build flexible, scalable digital studios.


Our Approach To AoIP

Learn how we are working with a wide range of manufacturers of Dante AoIP (Audio over IP) enabled devices to help us design and built flexible, expandable solutions for broadcasters of all types and sizes.

One of the things that makes Dante so unique is that the technology has been licensed to such as wide range of manufactures who have created a equally wide range of enabled devices. The beauty is that despite the brand or function of a Danet enabled device, it will work seamlessly with any other Dante device.

This means you are not 'locked in' to a single manufacturer, you simply use the devices that best suit your need an budget.

Here is a brief list of some of the Dante enabled devices we have used in recent studio designs:

  • Digital Mixing Consoles - This reduces the amount of audio connections to the mixer as all the Dante AoIP connections are via a single network cable.
  • Interface Boxes - Allows you to convert physical audio (analogue/digital etc) to Dante or vice versa. Ideal for converting between the physical and virtual realms.
  • Audio Switchers - Dante enabled audio switchers allow you to switch external sources (like a news feed) or even control your station output (switcher between Studio 1 and Studio 2).
  • Problem Solving Boxes - Whether you need to ingest a remote feed or control headphones, several manufactures offer a range of boxes that can solve audio challenges!
  • Speakers - Dante can also be used to distribute audio over a network with the audio remaining 'in sync' across all devices.
  • Communications - Dante enabled codecs, phone systems or audio commentary units make interfacing audio from remote sites much easier as the device can be physically located anywhere it is needed, as long as there is a network connection!

Who is behind Dante AoIP?

Dante is developed and licensed by an Australian company called Audinate. They developed the Dante protocol along with the software and hardware tools to make it easy for 3rd party manufacturers to integrate into their own product. There are now more than 2000 Dante enabled products available from more than 400 separate manufacturers.

To learn more about Audinate, click on the link below to visit their website.

How We Can Help...

We offer a range of Dante enabled devices.

The list below outlines just a few of the Dante enabled devices we can provide to meet your AoIP needs. Our team will also be happy to help you with your specific requirements and suggest the best solutions based on our expereinces.

Dante Enabled Mixing Consoles & Rack Mixers

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Dante I/O Interface Boxes

List of Services

Want to know more?

Our expert staff have decades of experience both designing solutions and working in real radio stations meaning we can help guide you though both the technology and the creative process. 
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