Myriad 5 Logging introduces advanced, multi-channel audio, data logging and retrieval to the Myriad family. Based on our hugely popular Powerlog product but completely re-written from the ground up, Myriad 5 Logging offers instant access to all of the audio and meta-data you need for your and your competitors stations.
Whilst Myriad 5 Logging is based on our acclaimed Powerlog system, the entire product has been re-written from the ground up to provide a more robust, scalable platform to meeting the audio and metadata logging needs of today's multi-faceted broadcasters. Your content can now be heard in more ways than ever before and is often accompanied with a wide range of supporting data so you need to be sure your are meeting your logging requirements and you have the tools needed to leverage your content in the most effective way.
There are dozens of innovative new features in Myriad 5 Logging, here are a few of our favourites.
Myriad 5 Logging is no ordinary logging system. It can do so much more than just record audio and can benefit your station in many different ways. Click on the boxes below to learn more about some of the highlights.
Explore the Myriad 5 Logging documentation, screenshots and tutorial videos.
If you would like to learn more about Myriad Logging or access our written documentation, visit the dedicated Myriad Logging section of our Help Portal by clicking the button below.
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