Possible Low Cost Mixer For Smaller Stations

Liam Burke • February 26, 2021

We take a look at the Behringer DX2000USB

We are often asked for recommendations for smaller, low cost mixers for stations that are launching on a tight budget or looking to add additional studio capacity as cost effectively as possible. 

Type 'stereo mixer' into Google and literally hundreds of options will come up but the vast majority of them are not really suitable for use with Myriad because they do not have enough stereo inputs, are designed for sound mixing or do not offer the basic facilities needed to present a radio show. But there are a few that could be considered as a possible alternative to a full broadcast mixer. The Behringer DX2000USB may be the ideal mixer for smaller stations, as long as they are willing to live the compromises it brings when used in a broadcast radio environment.

Characteristics of a traditional broadcast mixer

In an ideal world, every station, no matter the size would have a full broadcast mixer built by a company specialising in professional broadcast audio equipment. Brands such as AEQ and Sonifex have spent decades perfecting mixers that are built for radio studios.

Broadcast mixers are typically characterised but the following features:

  • Multiple stereo inputs / channels
  • Multiple microphone input channels
  • Telco channel (with cleanfeed / mix-minus output)
  • Prefade listen (sometimes called PFL, Cue)
  • Monitor muting - mutes speakers when microphone are on to avoid feedback
  • Fader starts

There are many more features that are commonly included with modern broadcast mixers (like AoIP or Playout system integration), but almost all mixers designed for broadcast use share the characteristics above.

Unfortunately, because broadcast mixers are not mass produced, they are generally more expensive than mixer designed for DJs or sound production with even the cheapest broadcast mixer (we are aware of) costing around £1000.

Technically the Rodcaster Pro could be considered a broadcast mixer  based on the list above but it has very limited stereo inputs (1) meaning it is not ideal for use with a playout system like Myriad!

Could the DX2000USB be used as a broadcast mixer?

We wanted to take a look at a few, low cost stereo mixers to see if any of them would be suitable for use with Myriad Playout in a small broadcast studio. After an extensive search, we settled on the Behringer DX2000USB as the most likely candidate.

So how does it stack up?

Multiple Stereo Faders

The DX2000USB is well serviced in this department with seven fader channls each with a two inputs. In total you could have up to 10 stereo devices connected plus 1 x USB and 2 x Microphone. It is even possible to connect turntables direct as three channels can be switched to RIAA levels!

Multiple Microphone Inputs

This is a little more limited with only 2 x microphone inputs but it does also include support for dynamic or condenser (powered) microphones and an insert channel for an external mic processor. If you needed more microphone inputs you could always use a mic to line converter and use a line level input as it does not do monitor muting anyway! Also not that there is only one headphone output so if you have two presenters you will need a headphone splitter of some description.

Telco Channel / Cleanfeed Output

This is definitely something you don't get with the DX2000USB. There is a built in USB which offers input and output to a host computer so this could be used with software such as Skype which does a reasonable job of generating it's own mix-minus, so whilst you cannot connect this mixer to a traditional TBU, you can use modern software based VoIP systems.

Prefade Listen

The DX2000USB includes Prefade Listen (PFL) buttons on each channel. For monitoring you will need to either press a button to switch headphones to listen to PFM instead of main output, or you could use the 'split' option to listen to both main out and PFL. PFL also gets it's own dedicated level VU bar for setting levels.

Monitor Muting

This is the biggest issue with the DX2000USB as a broadcast mixer, it does not mute the monitors when the microphone channels are 'open' meaning if you have speakers plugged in, you run the risk of getting feedback. The answer here is to either remember to pull down the monitor fader (it is a fader not a knob) each time or simply not use speakers and rely on headphones.

Fader Starts

Each of the five stereo fader channel has a physical start button and corresponding output for trigging external devices (such as CD players or Myriad Media Players). We did not test these but connecting them to a physical GPIO device on your PC should allow you to trigger the Media Players from the buttons on the mixer

Anything Else?

There is a lot of features on this mixer that you will not need for broadcast use. Things such as the crossfader section are just not needed but they can also be bypassed to you can largely ignore them.

So all in all, the DX2000USB is a good, low cost alternative to a traditional broadcast mixer, as long as you are happy to live with some fairly sizable compromises in terms of ditching speakers in favour of headphones.

Testing It With Myriad

In order to test it with Myriad, we added a Terratec Aureon xFire8.0HD audio interface to provide the four output channels from the Myriad Media Players. These were connected to channels 4 - 7 on the DX2000USB via jack to phono cables. To test the recording into Myriad we used the built in USB interface provided by the DX2000USB. Finally we connected some standard AKG K52 headphones and an AKGP120 Condenser microphone (we also tested a generic dynamic mic).

What we found

Once the Aureon xFire was configured as the output for the Media Players in Myriad and the USB output from the mixer was setup for recording in Myriad, the DX2000USB was ready to go!

Audio from the Myriad inputs was clear and everything worked as you would expect it to. The microphone inputs from both dynamic and condenser microphones was also clean with dynamic mics needing just a little more gain (as you would expect). Monitoring and PFL worked well although the need to manually switch to PFL would take some getting used to if you are used to the auto-switching most broadcast desks do but again, that is something you would grow accustom to.

Probably the biggest headache  would be manually muting the speakers but in our test, we just stuck to headphones so it was not an issue.

Luckily, the crossfader section can be disabled altogether so can be totally ignored when using this console for broadcasts, but I guess it is also there if you ever need to DJ with it!

In terms of build quality, the all metal construction is a nice surprise in such a low cost unit and Behringer have a long track record of building audio mixers so we do not anticipate any fragility there. Heat can be an issue with some Behringer gear but there mixer has a large chassis with vented sides, in fact the size is worth pointing out as it is a fairly large unit so you may need to consider positioning on a cluttered desk! There is also the option to rack mount it or drop it into a cutout on your table top (which is what we recommend). The faders work well, they do feel a little budget but no more than you would expect from a low cost mixer. The VU is easy to read with coloured LED segments for main and PFL outputs.

Another big plus is that the main output of the mixer is balanced so you could connect it to professional equipment such as a processor if required.

The Verdict

All in all, this is a mighty impressing piece of equipment for the price. Our test unit came from Amazon and cost just £199 inc VAT and delivery. When you consider what you are getting for that, it is remarkable value.

It also is a practical solution for using with Myriad Playout (with the addition of a suitable multi-channel output sound card). It has enough faders to allow you to have one per player with the option of using an additional fader for preview / editing. The PFL system works ok and the microphone support is adequate for a small studio. The only real negative point is the lack of monitor muting but that is something that is not included in any other mixers (that we know of) in this price bracket.

All in all we would recommend the DX2000USB for any station that needs a practical solution for building a small studio for Myriad Playout, that cannot stretch to a dedicated broadcast mixer.


  • Excellent value for money
  • The right number of inputs & faders
  • Support for dynamic and condenser mics
  • Built in stereo USB (good for Skype)
  • Well built


  • No monitor muting
  • Some functions not required
  • Only 2 x microphone inputs
  • No cleanfeed / mix-minus
  • Bulky design

The DX2000USB is available from most online audio stores as well as Amazon.

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By Liam Burke December 4, 2020
This post was originally posted on Arran's blog https://thisisarran.me/index.php/2020/12/04/the-technical-side-of-a-radio-station/ and is reproduced here by his kind permission. If you have a post you'd like share, please contact us and let us know!
Home Studio Mixer Review For Myriad Anywhere
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With the World still struggling to adapt to the 'new normal' of working from home and minimising social contact, more and more stations are using Myriad Anywhere to enable presenters to record Remote Voice Tracks or even prevent live shows from their own home studios. Generally, all you need is a good microphone and a pair of headphones (we recommend a headset if possible) but we are hearing from a number of customers who are looking to create a home studio setup to allow them to get more creative and emulate their studio experience. So we thought we would take a quick look at a couple of home mixer options that work well with both Myriad Anywhere and fully installed Myriad Playout.
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Myriad RVT & Anywhere Cloud
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At Broadcast Radio, we work very hard to make sure that our products and services stay running whenever the office is closed, and a couple of years ago we started a rolling project to make sure that we could carry on even if we couldn't make it into the office. TL;DR: We are ready for Covid-19 and for our people to work from home. To save you reading the rest of this article (unless you want to!), every single person who works for Broadcast Radio has been trained on how to access all the normal office documents, the phone systems, email, Instant Messaging, Technical Support Resources and CRM systems so that they can carry on as normal, if and when they need to work remotely. Wherever needed we've provided PC's, laptops, screens, comms headsets and other devices to any of our people that need them, and in the event that the office has to be physically closed, we will just carry on with a "virtual" office with business as usual on all the usual phone numbers and email addresses. Our main priority has been to make sure our people are safe and well first, and only after that, to make sure we can provide the tools they need to help our customers do the same. As the vast majority of our customers are radio stations, it's essential they can stay operating for as long possible, and part of that is making sure we are there to back them up, so making sure our people can answer the phones and email as normally as possible remains our goal for as long as this outbreak lasts. A bit more background The Broadcast Radio office is based on an office park that sits on the banks of the Humber Estuary - which is one of the largest waterways in the UK - and on a good day gives an amazing view out of the office window - the picture above of the Humber Bridge was taken just now from the offfice car park to prove the point! With the great scenery comes a risk though - water not staying where it should. The office itself sits very high up so is in no risk of flooding, but 5 years ago the river overflowed after very several days of very heavy rain, and one of the roads nearby was impassible for a day, meaning that about 20% of our people couldn't easily make it to the office. Because we had already planned for this eventuality, the actual impact was minimal - our people just switched to working remotely, and business carried on as usual. Although it has a tongue-in-cheek in name, we started our planning under the name "Project Zombocalypse" many years ago when we wanted to make sure that as many aspects of running the company could be carried out remotely should the need ever arise. This light-hearted look at scenarios starts with the premise that we can't leave our homes due to that most infamous of all movie genres, the Zombie outbreak, so we need to carry on on the assumption that getting to the office is out of the question. We started by breaking down the task into 2 parts - People and Infrastructure - and like everything we do here, people are first. A) People first! To start with, we needed to work out who could do their work from home - and with the exception of our actual studio build engineers, the vast majority of our team could indeed work remotely. Sales, Admin, Technical Support and the R&D teams can all carry out 95% of their jobs without needing to be in the building for quite a long period. Ok, great, but HOW will they actually do that? This really is where you have to think quite carefully, so we broke that down into sub-sections, and then worked out answers for each one: PC's: An obvious one really, people need to be able to access the resources in the office remotely in the same way that they use them when they are in the building - users don't like "friction", so wherever possible, resources, documents, software etc. should all be accessible in familiar ways. The answer is actually remarkably simple for normal office use - "Remote Desktop" is built into Windows and is ideal for the job. To access their desktop PC's we made sure that each user knows how to VPN in to the office network from their home PC's, and what their desktop PC is called, that way they can just pick up where they left off. Interestingly, several users don't have a home PC at all, having switched to tablets and phones for home web browsing etc, so we made sure we have a stock of company laptops ready to go and these are issued out to anyone who needs them. Phones: Most of our people talk to customers every single day on the phone, so we needed to make sure you can still dial the office numbers and get through to the right people. Over the years we've worked our way through various different solutions to this, but a couple of years ago we switched to using a 3CX phone system and everyone now has the 3CX app on their mobile phones that can be set to mirror their desktop phone with 2 taps. So if they do need to work remotely, they just open the app, "activate" the account and straight away calls will flow to them over their broadband connection. This means it's totally free for them to use - no fear of accidentally running up big personal phone bills when calling customers as the call is routed to the office and then onward from there to our normal phone lines. In fact, we love 3CX so much that we are now a certified and accredited re-seller of 3CX products to the industry. Inter-person/office communication: Phones are great, but actually a huge amount of our inter-person communication is text based - either emails or Instant Messaging ("IM") - so we needed to make sure that we keep that all running as well. In fact, when users are physically separated it becomes essential to keep good communication flowing . For both email and IM we turned to Microsoft - for years we had been running Microsoft Exchange and Skype for Business on servers at the office, but 4 years ago we switched to Office 365 and then IM to Microsoft Teams, so both of those are now hosted and run for us by Microsoft for little to no cost. MS Outlook and MS Teams are available as desktop applications, mobile apps (for both iOS and Android) and also via web browsers, so again, we made sure that everyone knows how to access email and IM from their mobiles as well as using the regular tools they are used to on their office PC's. Internet Connectivity: all of the above only works if we can guarantee internet access to the office so users can VPN in (for PC's) and access the phone system. To make sure we stay connected, we have 3 dedicated fibre circuits into the building, each of which can handle all of the data needed to keep us running. We also have a fallback wireless circuit from a different telco which can be enabled should the need ever arise. Once you've identified the areas above, next you have to make sure that people can actually use those - do people have a good enough broadband connection at home? Do they have a PC? Do they have a suitable workspace that they will be comfortable to work in for the duration of a working day - for example, one of our people has a home pc, but it's plugged into their TV for use as a gaming system and home theatre system. If they ever have to work from home for an extended period, their kids will likely want to use that TV for Netflix, so we made sure that we sent home a dedicated monitor for them to use on their home-office desk instead. Small things, but easy to miss when you are "blue sky thinking" about how to handle these scenarios. B) Infrastructure This itself breaks down into quite a few different areas, so i'll only touch lightly on each: Office files and servers : The core of any business, your data is your second most important asset, so you should protect them wherever possible. We run a minimum of 2 live copies of all data here in the office, as well as 2 separate backup solutions, and 2 different off site backup technologies. That's everything from spreadsheets and word documents, to product test data and source code. In fact our source code actually lives in 2 separate places on TOP of those above, that's how critical it is! Customer support servers: We have a number of servers that exist to make sure that our customers keep going - for example Product License Activation servers and Technical Support. These run on 2 separate systems so should one fail the other can take over. We can also manually generate licenses and handle support via email alone should the need arise. Hosting services: We also provide streaming for hundreds of different radio stations all over the world, as well an increasing number of "Radio In the Cloud" customers where we host the infrastructure for stations for them. These streaming and hosting servers are located in commercial data centres around the UK so enjoy all the benefits of huge backup generators and redundant architecture. A number of the Radio in the Cloud services are also hosted at the Broadcast Radio Offices, so these also get additional facilities to make sure they stay up and running. Interestingly, when you come to look at supporting remote working, it's actually only item 1 above (office files) that you have make sure are available for that part of the business, and as we've already made sure people can remote in and access their content, this is already covered! In the last few years we've also started a big change to moving more and more of our office files into cloud provided services like Microsoft Sharepoint and Dropbox as this reduces the requirement for office infrastructure even more. We're also hosting more and more of our proprietary data in private Microsoft Azure spaces as well. So in summary, we have now activated our plans ready for whatever comes next: Everyone here has checked and confirmed they can make and receive calls via the normal numbers from wherever they need to. Everyone here has checked and confirmed they can access their office PCs remotely. This includes making sure the PC is left switched on, or remotely "wakeable", should the need arise Everyone knows how to access email and instant messaging via web browsers etc. Everyone has the right equipment already at their homes to allow remote working. We have checked that all our physical IT infrastructure is working and that backup services are ready. We have turned off the coffee machine. For now, thats all that's needed. Of course, the situation is rapidly evolving, and over the coming days there will be all manner of surprises and twists to come, and of course we will face our own challenges as it's likely that some of our people will need to rest and recuperate, but we are happy that we have planned for the most likely outcomes, and have the flexibility to adapt should we need to.
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